Client List

Wildlife Health Center Foundation - A non-profit foundation supporting the work of the Wildlife Health Center at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine - www.WHC.Foundation

Robert Craig Films - A film production company located in Meadow Vista, CA - - Currently producing the movie No Address. No Address Movie Teaser

Freedom Through Education - A non-profit assisting justice-involved individuals to expand their opportunities through education - Freedom Through Education

Shores of Hope - A non-profit organization in West Sacramento providing housing, transportation and day care services to those in need -

Families for Children - A non-profit foster care and adoption agency with offices in Roseville, Walnut Creek and Fairfield -

Forgotten Soldier Program - A non-profit assisting veterans and first responders dealing with emotional trauma - Forgotten Soldier Program

Branches with Blessings - A brand new non-profit organization providing direct financial assistance to those in need in our community

Insights Counseling Group - A non-profit counseling center with offices in Roseville and Auburn -

Phocas Financial Group - A financial services firm in Alameda, CA -

Little Bird Mercantile - Vintage Goods in Auburn, CA -

Kalukia Enterprises - Leadership & Professional Development -

The Golden Swann - Custom Jewelry and Collectibles in Auburn, CA -

The Haus Collective - Bespoke home decor & design -

Pier 210 Dental - Dentist in Auburn, CA -

Pioneer United Methodist Church -

Diamond Valley Water & Trucking - Orangevale, CA

Auburn Presbyterian Church -

Community Events

Release the Quackin - Auburn Chamber of Commerce

Release the Quackin - Auburn Chamber of Commerce

What do you do when you have a bunch of rubber ducks collecting dust in storage? Throw them out of a helicopter of course! Interested in winning $2500 in cash and/or 1 of tons of other prizes? Adopt some ducks! If your duck lands in the mini pond you get the cash! If it lands in one of the other spots you get that prize. Ducks are $10 for 1, $50 for 6 and $100 for 14. All proceeds will benefit our Leadership Auburn Harvey Roper Scholarship Fund and our Chamber Ambassador Program! The day of we will have a BBQ, bounce house, vendors, corn hole and face painting! Bring the family out for an afternoon of fun! ALL is FREE except Food & Drink.

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